Martin Ehl

Martin Ehl
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Martin Ehl is the head of the Foreign Desk in Hospodarske noviny

He has worked in Hospodarske noviny since 2001, which makes him the longest-serving member of the editorial board. He regularly writes a column on Central Europe, a feuilleton for Radio Cesko, and blogs in Czech, English, and Polish. He also comments on the foreign policy issues for Ceska televize. He has been the head of foreign desk in Hospodarske noviny since 2006. As a reporter, he worked in Latin America, Spain, and the United States, however, his focus remain Central Europe, the Baltics, and the Balkans. He reported on the the war in Bosnia and he was not allowed to go to Serbia until the fall of Slobodan Milosevic in 2000 because of his reports of the warfare in Kosovo. He was the last foreign journalist to interview Lech Kaczynsky before his tragic death in the spring of 2010. He holds a Ph.D. in political science.

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