Born July 15, 1951 in Sofia (Bulgaria) and graduated from The National Theater Academy in 1974 in Sofia. From 1976 to 1980 he was the director of the Theatre of Pazardzhik (Bulgaria). In 1981 he directed his first short film “Commemoration’’ (Pomen), primer in several festivals (Oberhausen, London Short Film Award at the Venice Biennale in 1985). After a series of films on Bulgarian painters, he directed in 1984 ‘’Solo for an English corn’’ (Special mention to Ethnographic Film Review Paris in 1984 and Honorary Diploma at the Leipzig festival in 1984. After a passage at the Théâtre du Soleil he settled in Paris and pursued a career as an independent filmmaker. It provides, in another ‘’Shadow Hunter’’ in 1991 Nestor Almendros Prize at Human Rights Watch Film Festival in New York in 1992, ‘’The border of our
dreams’’ in 1996 and ‘’Misfortunes of Sofia’’ in 2000. In 2014 he directed the feature film ‘’The Petrov File’’ co-written with Jean Claude Carrière and 2015 the feature documentary and on.
1981: Pomen (Memorial Service) - documentary short;
Awards: 1981, Oberhausen - prix for the best documentary, 1985 - award for the short documentary in Venice, 1986 - award Bazil Wright, Great Britain.
1983: Hora Ot Scenata (People from the stage) - documentary short
1984: Solo Za Angliiski Rog (Solo for an English horn)- documentary short
Award: 1984 - Special prize Bilan Du Film Ethnographique
1987: Pod Cupola (Under the Circus roof) - documentary
Awards: Diploma from the film festival Tampere, Finland.
1989: Paleai De Rire (Palace of the laugh) - documentary
Award: prize for the documentary, Brazilia Film Festival, Brazil.
1990: Royaume De Dieu (The kingdom of the God) - documentary
Award: Special prize Bilan Du Film Ethnographique
1991: L'ombre Du Chasseur (The shadow of the hunter) - documentary
Award: Nestor Almendos, Human Rights Watch Film Festival, New York
1996: La Frontiere De Nos Reves (The border of our dreams) – feature documentary
Nomination for the best documentary from SCAM
2000: Les Malheurs De Sofia (The misery of Sofia) – feature documentary
2015: Dossieto Petrov (The PETROV File, Le Dossier Petrov) - feature film, in cooperation with Jean-Claude Carriere; supported by Bulgarian National Film Center; MDM Germany; Eurimages
2015: Et le bal continue ( And the party goes on ) - feature documentary produced by Ladybirds Films in coproduction with ARTE France, supported by la Région Ile-de-France, Centre National du Cinéma and l’Image Animée, PROCIREP (Société des producteurs de cinéma et télévision), l’ANGOA (Agence nationale de Gestion des OEuvres audiovisuelles).