Paper City

2021, Australia - Japan, 1h 20min
Paper City
Past editions:
Languages: English, Japanese
Director: Adrian Francis
Writer: Adrian Francis
IMDB Rating: Paper City (2021) on IMDb

In 1945, the US firebombed Tokyo, destroying a quarter of the city and killing 100,000 people. Now, in a society rapidly forgetting, three elderly survivors fight to leave behind a public record of their experiences while they are still alive. Paper City explores what we choose to remember, and aim to forget—and what the consequences of that are.

Asociatia Mioritics Primaria Rasnov CJ Brasov CNC Friedrich Neumann Foundation Fundatia Corneliu Coposu Fundatia Hans Seidel
Banca Comerciala Romana Zeren Banca Transilvania
Zizin Ursus IDS Consulting MET Energy DoHu Consulting Smart ID Tech Talent Arnia Dinamica Distribution Loxon Dexion Vatra Barsei Coresi Purcari ACSB Mar de Bran Biocatina Energine Pusca Lupi Grin Kooperativa Zaiafet system plus Aerodrom Piatra Craiului Das Fort Ro Image Independenta Film